
31DC2013 Day 4: Green Nails

I'm not sure what happened—it feels like I just blinked, but more than two weeks have passed since my last post! I really want to avoid those kinds of breaks in the future, so I'm going to make more of an effort to space things out better from here on out. I still have so much to learn!

Anywho, I've been moving along with the 31 Day Challenge at my own leisurely pace over here, so let's get to the nails, shall we?

Day 4 called for green nails. I really love green, so even though I went with some simple half moons for this manicure, I'm super pleased with how this turned out. I started with a base of Zoya Rikki, and when that dried, I used hole reinforcers to mark off the half-moon shape before adding a coat of Zoya Hunter. Very easy, but the results are so satisfying!

As a side note, I think the photo above is one of the best pictures I've ever gotten with my current camera, so hooray for that, too! I guess green really agrees with my skin tone and lighting situation.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really love those colors together. Very nice design. ^^

    1. Thank you! And yes, I happened to pick up these two colors at the same time, so I just kept thinking of them as a pair & couldn't help but use them together. :)

  2. This is a perfect colour and finish combination! looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! :) These colors seem made to go together—I definitely need to do more with them in the future.

  3. love the half moons! your nails are so shiny!


    1. Thanks!! I wish I'd noted what topcoat I used for this one to get the shine... I need to be better about that. :)


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