
Silky Red Water Marble

I'm still here! Life got a little crazy on me and I fell super behind on my blogging, but I'm hoping that things are getting back to normal now. I've have time to do a few manicures, however, so let's get right to the good stuff, shall we?

One nail art technique that's always eluded me is water marbling. I tried it a few times several months ago with disastrous results, so I gave up on trying for a long time and resigned myself to longingly watching Instagram tutorials and feeling sad about my lack of skills.

I was feeling especially patient and ambitious recently, however, so I decided to give it one more shot—and I actually did it! For the most part! It's far from perfect, but I feel like I can call this my first-ever successful water marble.

I don't have any nifty video footage of the process—there are lots of other bloggers who can do that part way better than I ever could. But I started with a base of Zoya ZsaZsa and then used ZsaZsa and two new OPI colors, My Silk Tie and Dark Side of the Mood, to do the marbling. I also used Kiesque Liquid Palisade around my cuticles for the marbling part to help with the cleanup, and it was a total lifesaver. Marbling is messy work!

Dark Side of the Mood isn't quite as opaque as I'd have liked for this, but My Silk Tie worked really beautifully. I don't often all-out polish my nails with metallic polishes, but they're amazing for nail art: stamping, marbling, decorative accents, etc. I need lots more in my collection!

I love close-up shots of water marbles. Each nail is so different!

Thanks for looking!


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